Saturday, January 1, 2011

Native Trees and Shrubs to Ontario

The distinction of Native and Non-native species is sometimes not clearcut. For the purposes of this website various sources are used. Generally speaking, a species is considered to be non-native if it did not occur in the region covered by this website prior to the arrival of Europeans. But there may be exceptions.
Non-native species are also often referred to as "Alien" species.
The distinction between Native and Non-native species is important because many Non-native species are invasive and alter the ecosystem of an area. They may crowd out native plants. Animals, not being familiar with the foreign plants, frequently will not use them for food or even shelter. So the impact of the Non-native species extends well past their simple presence in an area.

Native Trees List
  • Balsam Fir
  • Silver (white) Fir
  • Fraser Fir
  • Rocky Mountain Fir
  • Manitoba Maple
  • Black Maple
  • Striped Maple
  • Red Maple
  • Silver Maple
  • Sugar Maple
  • Mountain Maple
  • Ohio Buckeye
  • Yellow Buckeye
  • Speckled (Hazel) Alder
  • Shadblow (Downy) Serviceberry
  • Allegany Serviceberry
  • Devil's Walking Stick
  • Common Paw Paw
  • Sweet Birch
  • Yellow Birch
  • River Birch
  • Gray Birch
  • American Hornbeam (Blue Beech)
  • Bitternut Hickory
  • Pignut Hickory
  • Northern Pecan
  • Shagbark Hickory
  • Mockernut hickory
  • American chestnut
  • Northern Catalpa
  • Common Hackberry
  • Eastern Redbud
  • Hinoki False Cypress
  • Fringe Tree
  • Yellowwood
  • Pagoda Dogwood
  • Flowering Dogwood
  • Corkspur Hawthorn
  • Downy Hawthorn
  • Washington Hawthorn
  • Frosted Hawthorn
  • Common Persimmon
  • Eastern Wahoo
  • American Beech
  • White Ash
  • Black Ash
  • Green Ash
  • Blue Ash
  • Common Honeylocust
  • Kentucky Coffee Tree
  • Carolina Silverbell
  • Common Witchhazel
  • Butternut
  • Black Walnut
  • Rocky Mountain Juniper
  • Eastern Red Cedar
  • Eastern Larch
  • American Sweetgum
  • Tulip Tree
  • Osage-Orange
  • Cucumber Tree Magnolia
  • Prairie Crabapple
  • Red Mulberry
  • Black Tupelo
  • Ironwood
  • Sourwood
  • White Spruce
  • Dwarf Alberta Spruce
  • Black Hills White Spruce
  • Black Spruce
  • Colorado Spruce
  • Colorado Blue Spruce
  • Jack Pine
  • Lumber Pine
  • Ponderosa Pine
  • Red Pine
  • Eastern White Pine
  • American Plane Tree
  • Balsam Poplar
  • Eastern Poplar
  • Bigtooth Aspen
  • Trembling Aspen
  • American Plum
  • Pin Cherry
  • Black Cherry
  • Chokecherrry
  • Common Hop Tree
  • White Oak
  • Swamp Oak
  • Northern Red Oak
  • Scarlet Oak
  • Shingle Oak
  • Bur Oak
  • Pin Oak
  • Red Oak
  • Rosebay Rhododendron
  • Smooth Sumac
  • Staghorn Sumac
  • Black Locust
  • Pussy Willow
  • Black Willow
  • Sassafras
  • American Mountain Ash
  • Showy Mountain Ash
  • Common Bald Cypress
  • Eastern White Cedar
  • American Linden (basswood)
  • Canadian Hemlock
  • American Elm
  • Nannyberry
  • Common Prickly Ash

Native Shrubs

  • Bottlebush Buckeye
  • Lead Plant
  • Indigo Bush
  • Bog Rosemary
  • Bearberry
  • Red Chokeberry
  • Black Chokeberry
  • Purple Chokeberry
  • Sweet Shrub
  • New Jersey Tea
  • Buttonbush
  • Summers Weet
  • Sweet Fern
  • Silky Dogwood
  • Bunchberry
  • Gray Dogwood
  • Red Osier Dogwood
  • Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle
  • Leatherwood
  • Silverberry
  • Running Euonymus
  • Dwarf Gothergilla
  • Fothergilla
  • Wintergreen
  • Spring Witchhazel
  • Smooth Hydrangea
  • Oakleaf Hydrangea
  • Saint John's Wort
  • Shruby Saint John's Wort
  • Inkberry
  • Winterberry
  • Virginia Sweet Spire
  • Common Juniper
  • Creeping Juniper
  • Lambkill Kalmia
  • Mountain Laurel
  • Bog Kalmia
  • Labrador Tea
  • Spicebush
  • Fly Honeysuckle
  • Oregon Grape Holly
  • Creeping Oregon Grape Holly
  • Bayberry
  • Canby Paxistima
  • Common Ninebark
  • Bristlecone Pine
  • Bush Cinquefoil
  • Catawba Rhododendron
  • Fragrant Sumac
  • American Black Currant
  • Golden Currant
  • Rose Acacia
  • Prickly Rose
  • Carolina Pasture Rose
  • Prairie Rose
  • Virginia Rose
  • Mountain Rose
  • Allegheny Raspberry
  • Blackcap Raspberry
  • Flowering Raspberry
  • Prairie Willow
  • American Elder
  • Scarlet Elder
  • Silver Buffaloberry
  • Russet Buffaloberry
  • Meadowsweet
  • Hard Tack (Steeple Bush)
  • American Bladdeernut
  • Snowberry
  • Coralberry
  • Canadian Yew
  • Lowbush Blueberry
  • Highbush Blueberry
  • American Cranberry
  • Mapleleaf Viburnum
  • Hobblebush
  • Witherod
  • Arrowood
  • Rafinesque Viburnum
  • American Highbush Cranberry
  • Adam's Needle

Native Vines

  • Dutchmans Pipe
  • Crossvine
  • Trumpet (Hummingbird) Vine
  • American Bittersweet
  • Virgins Bower
  • Lumber Honeysuckle
  • Common Moonseed
  • Virginia Creeper
  • Common Greenbrier
  • Riverbank Grape

Native Perennials for Sunny Locations

  • Yarrow
  • Giant Hassop
  • Blue Star
  • Pearly Everlasting
  • Meadow Anemone
  • Pussy Toes
  • Columbine
  • Goatsbeard
  • Butterfly Weed
  • Heather Aster
  • Michaelmas Daisy
  • Groundsel Tree
  • False Indigo
  • White Baptisia
  • Boltonia
  • Side Oat Gramma
  • Mosquito Grass
  • Indian Paintbrush
  • Turtle Head
  • Pink Turtle Head
  • Golden Star
  • Golden Aster
  • Black Snakeroot
  • Coreopsis
  • Pink Coreopsis
  • Threadleaf Coreopsis
  • Mountain Avens
  • Purple Coneflower
  • Canadian Wild Rye
  • Mountain Fleabane
  • Daisy Fleabane
  • Oregon Sunshine
  • Rattlesnake Master
  • Mist Flower
  • Joe Pye Weed
  • White Snakeroot
  • Blue Fescue
  • Queen of the Prairie
  • Wild Strawberry
  • Blanket Flowers
  • Gaura
  • Prairie Smoke
  • Bowman's Root
  • Helenium
  • Sunflower
  • Heliopsis
  • Cow Parsnip
  • Alum Root
  • Coral Bells
  • Rose Mallow
  • Hawkweed
  • Blue Ridge St. John's Wort
  • Dwarf Crested Iris
  • Louisiana Iris
  • Arctic Iris
  • Blue Flag Iris
  • Blazing Star
  • Kansas Gayfeather
  • Gayfeather
  • Canada Lily
  • Prairie Lily
  • Turk's Cap Lily
  • Prairie Flax
  • Cardinal Flower
  • Great Lobelia
  • Alpine Azalea
  • Wild Lupin
  • American Loosestrife
  • Swamp Loosestrife
  • Monkey Flower
  • Partridge Berry
  • Lemon Bergamot
  • Bee Balm
  • Wild Bergamot
  • Dotted Mint
  • Mountain Mint
  • Ozark Sundrops
  • Evening Primrose
  • Sundrops
  • Pachistima
  • Switch Grass
  • Umbrella Plant
  • Red Penstemon
  • Mat Penstemon
  • Foxglove Penstemon
  • Rocky Mountain Penstemon
  • Colorado Penstemon
  • Ground Phlox
  • Obedient Plant
  • Creeping Cinquefoil
  • Mexican Hat
  • Black-eyed Susan
  • Sweet Susan
  • Wild Petunia
  • Cancer Weed
  • Oregon Stonecrop
  • Checkerbloom
  • Mountain Pink
  • Compass Plant
  • Cup Plant
  • Prairie Dock
  • Blue Eyed Grass
  • Solomon's Plume
  • Golden Rod
  • Stiff Golden Rod
  • Carolina Lupine
  • Spiderwort
  • Vervain

Native Plants for Shade Locations

  • Baneberry
  • Meadow Rue Anemone
  • Jack in the Pulpit
  • Wild Ginger
  • Blue Cohosh
  • Golden Star
  • Spring Beauty
  • Miner's Lettuce
  • Bunchberry
  • Pink Lady's Slipper
  • Yellow Lady's Slipper
  • Dwarf Larkspur
  • Prairie Larkspur
  • Pink Toothwort
  • Squirrel Corn
  • Dutchman's Breeches
  • Shooting Star
  • Galaxy
  • Wintergreen
  • Bottle Gentian
  • Bowman's Root
  • Rattlesnake Orchid
  • Fringed Orchid
  • Livewort
  • Golden Seal
  • Virginia Waterleaf
  • Mayflower
  • Meehan's Mint
  • Virginia Blue Bells
  • Showy Orchid
  • Allegheny Spurge
  • Ginseng
  • Grass of Parnassus
  • Woodland Phlox
  • Creeping Phlox
  • May Apple
  • Bog jacob's Ladder
  • Dwarf Polemonium
  • Solomon's Seal
  • Bloodroot
  • Oconee Bells
  • Rose Twisted Stalk
  • Golden Wood Poppy
  • Fringecups
  • American Wood Sage
  • Purple Meadow Rue
  • Foam Flower
  • Crane Fly Orchid
  • Tovara
  • Trillium
  • Bellwort
  • Lingonberry
  • Iron Weed
  • Sweet White Violet
  • Yellow Violet
  • Canadian Violet

Native Grasses

  • Sweet Flag
  • Big blue Stem
  • Little Blue Stem
  • Side Oats Grama
  • Mosquito Grass
  • Prairie Brome
  • Blue Joint Grass
  • Gray's Sedge
  • Porcupine Sedge
  • Palm Sedge Grass
  • Pennsylvanian Sedge
  • Plaintain Sedge
  • Cyperus Sedge
  • Fox Sedge
  • Northern Sea Oats
  • Tufted Hair Grass
  • Canadian Wild Rye
  • Wild Rye
  • Red Fescue
  • Blue Fescue
  • Rattlesnake Grass
  • Manna Grass
  • Fowl Manna Grass
  • Sweet Grass
  • Bottle Brush Grass
  • Crested June Grass
  • Rice Cut Grass
  • Switch Grass
  • Reed Canary Grass
  • Common Reed
  • Indian Grass
  • Cord Grass
  • Variegated Cord Grass
  • Prairie Drop Seeds

Native plants, trees, perennials and grasses can be found growing naturally in
suitable environments like dry grasslands, shady woods, near ponds and
streams and in wet areas in North America. When deciding to add native plants
to your landscape design, consider the conditions they need to survive.

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