Sunday, January 2, 2011

Things you need at the Garden Center

When you have ventured to the garden center to purchase a tree or shrub their are several factors to think about. Below is a list of factors and the materials in which are needed to make it all to come together.

Materials to maximize ultimate tree health and growth.
  1. Location: Think about where the tree you purchase will be planted, will it be planted in the sun, shade or a mixture of both. Will the tree be planted in a low elevation on your property or will be up on a higher area? this will help determine if you need a specimen that requires allot of moisture or if would prefer a dryer area. Think about the size of the area the tree or shrub will be planted and how large you would like the tree or shrub to maximize at. How long will you be staying at this particular property. All this will help you to select the tree or shrub. Now Select your tree or shrub
  2. Think about if you have good soil quality at your property or if you will need to amend your existing soil. In most cases to insure maximum health and growth of a freshly planted tree or shrub you will want to prepare a completely new soil bed in the area the tree or shrub will be planted. Select a high grade triple mix planting soil in which new plantings take kindly to. The amount of soil will depend on the size of hole you will dig or the size of specimen you will be planting.
  3. In most to all cases with a freshly planted tree or shrub you will want to add a water soluble starter fertilizer. This will help give the freshly planted tree or shrub a good kick start and get the roots going. It will help the roots bypass any planting stress that can occur in the early stages of planting.
  4. You may have to stake the tree if it is a larger specimen and is planted in an area susceptible to high winds. In some cases a tree planted in a high wind area can be uprooted and fall over in a storm.
Square Sawn Softwood Tree Stakes size of stake will be determined by the size of tree or shrub you are planting. Be sure to select the correct hardware that will secure the tree to the wood tree stakes.

5. After the tree has been planted according to the planting diagrams and suggestion I have given you below on this site, your next step will be to mulch the planting area around the drip lineSee full size image of the tree or shrub with a cedar mulch. This will help to retain the moisture and insulate the roots over the cold winter. What the Cedar mulch also does is to attract the warm sun in the spring to quickly activate the roots into action, helping the tree or shrub bounce back after winter.
See full size image
6.  Water Water and more Water for the first 2 weeks after planting to ensure root growth and establishment. I recommend a watering can or hose not a sprinkler because then you can manually direct the water right at the roots.      See full size image


1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great resource for anyone that wants to plant their own tree, and I think everyone should, unfortunately some of us dont have the money to buy all the equipment or the time to manage it. I found a game on facebook that promises to plant a new tree for you every time you play to 30,000 points! Its quite fun too! Check it out
